Food & Clothing Donations

Help Keep Westside Crisis Center Stocked

Help us make a difference at the Westside Crisis Center. Donate essential Food, Toiletries, or Clothing items. Click on the list to discover what's currently in demand and how you can make a difference.

  • Food Needs

    - Non-perishable Food Staples

    (Beans, Corn, Rice, Pasta, Cereal)

    - Non-perishable Canned Staples

    (Fruit, Vegetables, Meats)

    - 100% Fruit Juices

    You can drop off at the Westside Crisis Center

    Monday, Tuesday, & Thursday: 9:30am - 11:30am

  • Toiletry Needs

    - Toilet Paper

    - Shampoo & Conditioner

    - Soap & Body Wash

    You can drop off at the Westside Crisis Center

    Monday, Tuesday, & Thursday: 9:30am - 11:30am

  • Clothing Needs

    For clothing donations please limit items to:

    - In-season clothing.

    - Clean and washed clothing without stains, rips, holes, odors, or broken buttons or zippers

    - New, unused socks & underwear for all ages

    You can drop off at the Westside Crisis Center

    Monday, Tuesday, & Thursday: 9:30am - 11:30am